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January 13, 2008


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Innovation Workshops

  • Visit Systematic Inventive Thinking LLC at www.sitsite.com to learn about using the SIT method in an innovation workshop.

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About This Blog

  • For thousands of years, inventors have embedded five simple patterns into their inventions, usually without knowing it. These patterns are the "DNA" of products that can be extracted and applied to any product or service to create new-to-the-world innovations. Drew Boyd shares how to use this effective, repeatable, and trainable innovation process for organic growth.

Innovation Sighting

Marketing Innovation

Academic Focus

  • "Academic Focus" is a monthly feature that highlights an institution or professor who is doing an outstanding job bringing the tools and skills of innovation to the practitioner community.


  • The LAB is a regular feature that demonstrates how to use innovation methods and tools. Blog readers are invited to pose a question or submit a product or service for The LAB . Drew will then show how to apply a systematic process to the product or service and create real, new-to-the-world concepts.